As we welcome our new Executive Director, the Pomeroy Foundation has commenced a review of our Special Interest Grants program. Currently, we are not accepting applications. We will make an announcement and update this page with new information when the grant portal reopens following our review.
The William G. Pomeroy Foundation makes grants to 501(c)(3) organizations, nonprofit educational institutions and local, state and federal government entities that support the two primary parts of our mission.
The Pomeroy Foundation is interested in a wide range of initiatives that help communities across the country celebrate their history and cultural heritage. In 2023, preference was given to projects helping to promote awareness of the Pomeroy Foundation’s signature historical marker programs. This was especially true for requests for Special Interest Grants of $10,000 or more.
Requests for Special Interest Grants under $10,000 were considered for the aforementioned purposes, but also for technology and computer security upgrades, digitization of materials that stabilize collections and increase public access, and special projects for New York State history-related museums and historical societies with budgets under $500,000.
Grants We Are Likely to Support
Historical societies with limited resources, professional development for small history organizations, technology upgrades for small history organizations, celebrations of significant national milestones in American history
Grants we are Unlikely to Support
Performing/visual arts related projects, consultants, documentaries, restoration projects, programs/projects outside the mission of the Foundation.
Summary of 2023 For History Grants
- The Pomeroy Foundation awarded 42 history-related special interest grants to 37 organizations.
- The average special interest grant size was $8,285 with a median grant size of $5,000.
- The Foundation awarded 269 historic signage grants.