Past Events - Historic Marker Unveiling
South Main Street Historic District Marker Dedication
A dedication ceremony for a new National Register marker commemorating South Main Street Historic District will be held in Poland, OH.
Memorial Park NYS Historic Marker Dedication
A dedication ceremony for a new NYS Historic Roadside marker commemorating Memorial Park will be held in West Winfield, NY.
Old Town Pump Legends & Lore Marker Dedication
A dedication ceremony will be held for a new Legends & Lore roadside marker commemorating the old town pump legend in Carlisle, PA.
County Poorhouse NYS History Marker Dedication
A dedication ceremony for a new NYS Historic Roadside marker commemorating County Poorhouse will be held in Geneseo, NY.
Louisiana Women’s Suffrage Marker Dedication
A dedication ceremony for a new Women's Suffrage marker commemorating Louisiana's Women Suffrage will be held in Baton Rouge, LA.
Ferguson Rock Legends & Lore Marker Dedication
A dedication ceremony for a new Legends & Lore marker commemorating Ferguson Rock will be held in Beckley, WV.
Uniopolis Town Hall National Register Marker Dedication
A dedication ceremony for a new National Register marker commemorating Uniopolis Town Hall will be held in Uniopolis, OH.
Genoa Town Hall & Opera House Ohio History Marker Dedication
A dedication ceremony for a new Ohio History Marker commemorating Genoa Town Hall & Opera House will be held in Genoa, OH.
Joseph LaRue NYS Historic Roadside Marker Dedication
A dedication ceremony for a new NYS Historic Roadside marker commemorating Joseph LaRue will be held in Charlton, NY.
Nichols Park NYS Historic Marker Dedication
A dedication ceremony for a new NYS Historic Roadside marker commemorating Nichols Park will be held in Spencer, NY.