Past Events - Historic Marker Unveiling
Eight Mile Tree Legends & Lore Marker Dedication
The Kanestio Valley Chapter of the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution will dedicate a new Legends & Lore marker commemorating the Eight Mile Tree legend.
Village of Monroe Historic District National Register Marker Dedication
On Saturday, June 8, there will be a dedication for a marker commemorating the Village of Monroe Historic District’s inclusion on the National Register of Historic Places.
Village Cemetery NYS Historic Marker Dedication
The Village of Coxsackie will host a dedication ceremony for a marker commemorating the Village Cemetery on Saturday, June 8.
Alice M. Hubbard NYS Suffrage Marker Dedication
The Aurora Historical Society will dedicate a new historic marker commemorating Alice M. Hubbard for her contributions to women’s suffrage.
Cornwall Landing NYS Historic Marker Dedication
The Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson will host a marker dedication commemorating Cornwall Landing as part of the community’s RiverFest celebration. The event includes music, food, activities and vendors.
Mary Barr Clay Women’s Suffrage Marker Dedication
A new women’s suffrage marker commemorating the life and legacy of women's rights leader Mary Barr Clay will be dedicated on Sunday, June 2.
Walt Whitman NYS Historic Marker Dedication
This year marks the 200th birthday of American poet Walt Whitman. On June 1, the Walt Whitman Birthplace Association (WWBA) will unveil a new historic marker commemorating his birthplace.
Bloomery Forge & Clintonville NYS Marker Dedications
The Anderson Falls Heritage Society will host dedication ceremonies for its Bloomery Forge and Clintonville markers. A reception will follow at the Clintonville United Methodist Church.
Naomi Wise Legends & Lore® Marker Dedication
North Carolina's first Legends & Lore marker will be unveiled on May 30 at Commerce Square Park in Randleman. This marker commemorates Naomi Wise, subject of a well-known ballad.
Stone Windmill, Land Office & Schoolhouse National Register Dedication Ceremony
On Memorial Day, the Village of Morristown will dedicate three National Register markers recognizing the community's historic windmill, land office and schoolhouse.