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Join a Bone Marrow Registry

… And Save a Life!

You Can Help

One of the key areas of our mission at the Pomeroy Foundation is working to improve the probability of finding appropriate donor matches or other life-saving treatments for blood cancer patients. 

Every day, thousands of patients wish for a donor who can make their life-saving transplant possible, giving them a second chance at life. A bone marrow transplant may be the only hope for patients with leukemia, lymphoma, sickle cell anemia and many other diseases. 

With outstanding partner organizations across the United States, we have conducted hundreds of bone marrow drives registering over 26,000 people to the registry. To date, we’ve made at least 149 donor/patient matches.

Patients and those in need of a transplant depend on people like you. Learn more and register to be a donor through bone marrow donor registries such as Be The Match, DKMS and Gift of Life.

You have the power to save a life. Take the first step today and register online.

Be The Match      DKMS      Gift of Life

The circle of life starts with you. You have the power to heal, the power to save a life.

Diverse donors are critical because patients have the best chance of finding a match within their own race.

Racial and ethnic heritage are very important factors in determining a bone marrow match. Since tissue types are inherited through ancestry, patients are more likely to match a donor of the same racial or ethnic background.

Today, there simply aren’t enough registry members of diverse racial and ethnic heritage. Adding more diverse members increases the likelihood that all patients will find the life-saving match they need.

Your heritage can make all the difference. If you are from one of the following communities, you are especially encouraged to join the registry:

  • Black and African American
  • American Indian and Alaska Native
  • Asian, including South Asian
  • Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander
  • Hispanic and Latino
  • Multiple race