The William G. Pomeroy Foundation is committed to supporting the celebration and preservation of community history, and working to improve the probability of finding appropriate donor matches or other life-saving treatments for blood cancer patients.
Establishing the Pomeroy Foundation
Our mission began in 2005 when Founder and Trustee Bill Pomeroy was fighting Acute Myeloid Leukemia and his survival was in doubt. Fortunately, he was matched with a donor and received a lifesaving stem cell transplant.
Bill felt that, should he survive, he would help others in a similar situation. The idea became the genesis for the Foundation’s first initiative: to diversify the bone marrow donor registry so that anyone, from any ethnic background, can find a matched donor. We have many incredible partners who are involved in advancing this lifesaving work.
Our other initiative is helping people to celebrate their community’s history. We meet this by providing grants to obtain signage in the form of roadside markers and plaques. Since 2005, we have funded more than 2,600 historical markers across the United States, all the way to Alaska. We have grown to offer six signature marker grant programs in addition to marker programs funded through partnerships with non-profit, municipal and academic organizations.